Office Buffet Design
Creating an effective web design is like putting a puzzle together, with the various parts coming together to tame the chaos and form a whole, well-organized design. At the foundation of this organization are the gestalt grouping principles.
Every icon set submitted to Iconfinder is reviewed and evaluated for potential appeal to our website users and for potential commercial value as premium icons. When reviewing icon sets submitted to the website, we have a responsibility to our designers and to our customers to make sure all premium icons on the website are of the highest possible quality.
To achieve this, we are constantly aware of the difference between “not quite good enough” and “premium quality.” The difference is often very small and usually requires minimal changes, but it has a great impact on the design and value of the icon set. Unlike many other marketplaces, we rarely reject sets that don’t quite meet our quality requirements outright. Instead, we will share very specific, actionable suggestions for how the designer can improve the icons.